Stay at home moms do nothing… what?!

Recently there seems to be an increase of “articles” I will use that term loosely, from women who are not stay at home moms judging moms who do stay home instead of returning to the work place. I am a proud stay at home mom.

I work every single day, I may not leave the house but I put in work, I cook, clean and wipe butts. I teach my kids compassion and academics. I teach them love, and I am there. To hear someone say I do nothing makes my blood boil, and to be judged because I dont provide a income hurts.

I have struggled for years to accept my roll because it was not what I thought I would be doing with my life but I am happy. I also feel so lucky that my husband can support our family on just his income. Do I miss working? Heck yes I do! But I know what I am doing is just as important as earning money. I am in no way bashing working moms that cant stay home, I know some working moms love to work and go crazy staying at home ( I was raised by one). I know other moms that wish they could stay at home but cant afford to be a one income or no income (single moms) family.

I am simply writing this to say, Take pride in what you do! Stay at home, work from home, or work outside the home. Just remember no matter what your place is we are all doing the same thing HARD WORK!
