Knock down. Drag out. Cloth diapers!

My love affair with cloth diapers started the moment I saw their soft squishy goodness. I instantly was enthralled in learning everything there was about them, from different colors, styles and material types. I can honestly blame the addiction on one of my best friends who started cloth diapering her new born. I knew I needed to buy all of the fluffy little butt clouds known as cloth diapers! Ben was just over one when we started cloth full time, what a change! We started off cheap adding one or two more pricier diapers here or there until i found my love! Oh BumGenius free times how I love thee! I love all the colors and patterns, they amazing absorbency they have. But then it happened, My diapers started to STINK! Not noticeable at first but slowly gaining strength, until I couldn’t use them anymore. I changed soap, changed wash routines nothing would help! I felt so upset, why could these diapers work so well for everyone but I had such bad smell issues!(Think cow barn!) Finally I decided to start looking for an old school top loading lots of water using washing machine. It changed everything! we once again love our diapers. I guess I wont be going back to my fancy HE washer until Ben is potty trained. Have you had any diaper issues? Leaking, smell, anything? let me know in the comments!
